Boerner Service - Decision of the Ministry of Development and Technology, reference number DNP-VII.491.2.2023
Based on Article 6a(2), in connection with Article 6a(5), in connection with Article 6a(1)(1) of the Act of April 13, 2022, on special measures to counter support for aggression against Ukraine and for the protection of national security (Journal of Laws of 2023, items 1497 and 1859, hereinafter referred to as the “Act”),
I extend it for a period of 12 months,
as specified in the decision of the Minister of Development and Technology dated July 25, 2023, made available in the Public Information Bulletin on the entity’s website of the Minister of Development and Technology on July 25, 2023, reference: DNP-VI 1.491.2.2023, regarding the establishment of temporary forced management over the entity Boerner Service Sp. z o.o., with its registered office at ul. Wołoska 5, 02-675 Warsaw, entered into the National Court Register under number 0000229972, for the purpose of disposing of the financial resources, funds, and economic resources held by this entity (hereinafter referred to as the “management”).
The decision is subject to immediate execution.
The decision will be made available in the Public Information Bulletin on the website of the Minister of Development and Technology.